
Archive for June, 2013

what makes austalian cinema successful 

–case study for four typical movies 

–the goal 

–how is the information useful for out industry’s future 

–create the world what the future should be look like Autralian. 

kind of content we need to producing, and the way that we contribute to the national identity of Aus 


Online Television: The Australian Expereince 

–interesting mash up video to present the idea of influence of TV in Aus 

–aims: inform viewers of shift to online 

–is there a decilime of tradition tv viweing? 

 future predictions ? 

–talk about the history and evelotuion of the tv contents 

the statics to present that more ppl in online viewing, change the content to adopt the new technologies 

–interview in NBN 

–case study in ABC and SBS (tv must be interactive) audience no longer to be passive onsumers, but more expereicne interaction 



Digital Distribution 

–case study “In Bob we trust ” 

— have a lot of interviews 

–>alternative content release 

–>simulataneous release 

–>wider releases , cheaper costs 

indepedent cinemaa are willing to do anything in order to create a point of difference 

–special events

–Q & A’s 


–film festivals 

–exclusive screeninngs 

75% of indepedent cinemas now are digital. 


National Identity and Cinema: Bollywood and Australia 

–Inverstigate the differences national identity btw bollywood and australian 

–Bollywood cinema: Mumbai-based Hindi lanuage film industry 

musicals, plots 

–Australian cinema: characters, language, locations, 


Four case studies: smash up videos btw bollywood and australian movies 

Similarities: national identity, globalization, marketing and business globally, try to reach more genres like musical, drama and rommance

Difference: international effects, Bollywood “biggest produce in the world” Australia prodcued less than 100 per year. 



Freedom of Speech 

video to present the events in the idea of no freedome of speech nowadays 

–Freedom of speech: a human right

–personal experience: forbidden to use FB, twitter.. 

–case studies: politics(Bill Henson), religion, artist 

–How Australia is “controlled” there is a law to protect 

–why freddom speech is important: it benefits creative impulse 


The family in Contemporary Television 

a brief history 

–4 predominate family types in society : Divorced, working mothers, same sex parents,  nuclear family 

–deeply analysis in 4 different family tpes 

–successful family drama :  “We got married”  “Growing pains” “the show we love” 


Second Nature: Social Media Now

augumented reality: merger of the online & offline 

Transparetent technologies: natural happening 


previous technologies: private &Public, class consicousness, smoke screen, privacy, violence 


Delusion of privacy: explosure 

Reinventing activism: tecnical architecture of social media that they always activsim but not take action with the events 

Communities & friendship: 




Crowdfunding for independent filmmakers 

what drives crowfunding?

where does it fit into the insdustry 


Evolution of crowfunding 

before online: community, charity fundarising 

online: digital disruption 


Collaborative mentality and participarotroy culture 

traditional funding: investment based, finalical sercutiry, creative compromise. 

Crowfunding: ideas and community based, creative control, high failure rate 


Pitching and crowfunding: 

-know your audience 

–value of product to audience 



Major platform: kick starter, pozible, indiegogo, seed spark 


How to get more funds? 

GEOGRAPHY: globally funds from other countries 

Building networks and communties: building relationship, growing networks, marketing and world of mouth. 

crowfunding landscape: producers, audience, communtiy 

Anatomy of a crowdfunding: the final product, share identity, inout and interacton, self-expression, altruism 


Future of funding: JOBS ACT 



Transformation of Australian Advertising 

globalisation and the transformation of the australian advertising industry 


* the industry / global agencies 

–agencies have embrace digital and intergral it both into agency and advertisments 

–most of agencies have merged with other global agencies 

–as potential tap into aisian markets 


* mass-social-niche 

–passive to active audience 

–seeling experience rather than products

–exploring the niche markets: gaming industry as case study 



–massive cde during in 1996

–how the self regulation work before 

–what has been changed 

–compare to Chinese advetsing industry 


Australian is turning heads 

the digital age is not a new phenomenon 

audience are active 



Gamification of media 

gamification has been identified as applying gam-design thinking to non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging. 


Gamification marketing: 

Education: interative learning 

Health: disabled, cancer patient, seniors.

 using the gamifiation to get more benfits for the people need entertainment and bring them more joyful life 

game elements can make somehting to do possible 


Augumented reality: 

google glass & market graden 


our brains are geared at working through digestion, repetition an porsitive reinforcement. 


The economics of online Distribution 


36 million subscribers in 40 countries 

a risky business model in a risky market 

licensing problems 

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Role  D
Process  HD
Strategies  D
Problems  D
Connections  HD


Here is the link for the blog

Role: MI role  Collaborative 

Process: 1st process, 2nd process, 3rd process, 4th process,

Strategies: strategies 

Problems: problem solving 

Connections: Connections, final presentation notes 

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Media industry course has expanded into out reality working. Research is the most important part in media industry. If we cannot grab the most important information or trends in nowadays, we cannot say we are media maker. Everything in media industry has a lot of things need to research on. We can deny that everything comes from the society. Everything based on researching. In this course, I found out a lot of my media friends are really not keen on researching, including me.  We might feel like it is most tedious things ever, it absolutely not the process of filming. However, I finally understood through the process of the class. We cannot leave without research. In the future career, if we wanna be a producer, we have tones of researching in terms of the analysis of the situation in different things. We need to know the deeper understanding through the academic and convincible proof. If we don’t have enough research for the current media industry, we cannot know anything about it but only an empty mind.

This is the final year. I might need to go back home since if finished my study. In the holiday, I am planning to do some researches on the connection between Australia and China in terms of the co-production filming company, media companies and also the advertising. I might focus more on:

  •  what successful elements in co-production cooperation. research on the successful production company.
  • analysis on what kind of predictable television program might be successful in Australia from Chinese television program, and also China get the idea from Australia.
  • Analysis in terms of the culture identity between two countries.
  • future trends

There are more points will be came up with in the research, and then I will also make a website for my research. basically will be two version in Chinese and English.


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