
Archive for August 6th, 2012

wk4 lecture

In today’s lecture, we are focusing more on our personal identity and the illustration of Mytribe and ABC Pool.

here is the question we would ask ourselves. what is the participatory project?

for my basic understanding, i think it is a kind of project that are able to collect a lot of same interets people to join, to share and to comments. From the reading last week, we have mentioned the participation in social networking sites, its more likely to get involved in the community and share, and comment the things you like.

 From the lecture, a participatory project is that solicits and draws on user generated content for the purpose of creative storytelling engaged experience and features.

the lecturer has demonstrated some examples of the participatory project:

Victorian bushfire: collect a lot of media working people and also the professional media people. Its like the storytelling.

 the making of modern Australia: TV, book, education, sort of wrap up project.

 Sound transit: community to sound recording, different sounds from the life. download to your project and create the crazy montage.

The Corner: participatory documentary.

 Short Docs challenge: radio doc, use it as the major competition. Very tight project. Quite fun to work with. How to expand the project well and culture you like.

 Bird land: ABC pool, come from 360 documentaries. Audio piece. Very close to work with the content from the community. A lot of images, audio and video derive from.


  • Journey and destination (the idea of how to wrap up to project, and participate in the project, and also what we come up with for the purpose.)
  •  Order and Chaos

you have to release control, a lot of mess material, how to structure the your material and have a logical order.

  • Incentives and Patterns

not about money, things is going to be very aimless.

set up and pay off

how to make to easily participate in the project.

  • Social complexity

people are passionate and not easy to collaborate it










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